晋江优倍斯鞋业贸易有限公司是意大利公司UNITED BRAND COMPANY GROUP的全资子公司,公司位于晋江市青阳。母公司在运动鞋生产领域位于引领的前列,在意大利,法国,德国,香港均有分公司。拥有本公司有自己专业的研发设计团队,每季超过10,000个模型,16个系列,拥有在欧洲知名的品牌Sergio Tacchini, Carrera Jeans, Enrico Coveri and Gas。晋江优倍斯负责所有品牌鞋子的生产的监督,并开发样品。高效和良好的组织让母公司的生意遍布全球,晋江分公司也秉承意大利工匠精神来保证鞋大货生产的高质量及有序。欢迎你加入我们!
UBC embarked on its journey in 2014 and quickly shot to the top of its market, now ranking among the leading manufacturers of sneakers. With facilities in France, Germany and Hong Kong, we have an impressive collection of over 10,000 models and deliver 16 new collections per season, all bearing the most prestigious names in Italian sports and casual wear: Sergio Tacchini, Carrera Jeans, Enrico Coveri and Gas.
Efficient and well organized, bolstered by a vision that embraces both the local and the global, UBC United Brands Company is committed to showing why the best of ‘Italian Made’ is deserving of its international reputation by embodying the values that have always set these products apart: creativity, design, discerning choice of materials and fastidious workmanship for products that compete with the best in terms of looks, quality and performance.
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